+34 934 616 742 Barcelona, Spain Seixal, Portugal

VS 160

The VS 160 vacuum soldering system has a heating plate size of 160 mm x 160 mm and offers highest performance with a small footprint due to its high heating and cooling rates in the range of 200 K/min. The VS 160 can be used for research and development as well as for the production of smaller batches under production conditions.

The system is available in 2 variants. As a VS 160 S (benchtop) and as a VS 160 UG (with a base frame). This makes it possible to integrate additional options such as a vacuum pump or HCOOH gas line.


VS 160 S 

VS 160 UG


VS 320

The vacuum soldering system VS 320 is a good choice for the production of medium and large batches due to the heating plate size of 320 mm x 320 mm and the high achievable performance.

A variety of options are available for the VS 320, such as hydrogen (concentration adjustable up to 100 %), HCOOH, special gases, microwave plasma and the integration of our sintering press. Thats a reason why it is also frequently used in research and development.


VS 320

VS 320 i

This flexibly integrable vacuum soldering system with autonomous loading and unloading of product carriers is based on the VS 320 with all available options.


VS 320 i


The VS XL vacuum soldering system can be used for processing large parts and large batches due to the heating plate size of 1000 mm x 320 mm.

In addition to the available options hydrogen (concentration adjustable up to 100 %), HCOOH and special gases as well as motor-driven manipulators can be integrated within the workspace



Overview VS